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Working with Rosa is working with a consummate professional. She does a wonderful job in detailing your story, while not trying to over take your voice. Most writers, when they deal with editors, have the constant worry that the editor will try to rewrite the book based on their own experience or desires. Rosa helps to enhance your work and provides advice. I look forward to a continuing relationship with her.  

Parker J. Cole, Author of the Sins of the Flesh series and CEO of PJC  Media

The work Mrs. Worth has done for me has been exceptional!

·        She proof-read my second book and gave it a title.

·        She created a website for me and monitors it regularly

·        She set up a Twitter page and a Blog page for me, which she also monitors regularly

Mrs. Worth is very professional and her work is exemplary!  I would recommend her to anyone who needs an editor .

Jenny White, author of the Jurnior Rabbit series and host of Let's Talk About It With Jenny White podcast


Mrs. Worth is heaven sent! Not only was she helpful in the editing of MY first Self Published-book Putting On Face but, she did an AMAZING job with my business website! She's knowledgeable, supportive, available and goes above and beyond to meet the needs of her clients. Its Worth Editing is just that...Worth it! 

Britney Renee, Author of Putting on Face and CEO of Holman's Publishing Company

It's my pleasure to acknowledge Mrs. Rosa Worth, who edited my book, What's The Word. She also mantains and keeps my blog up to par. If it weren't for Mrs. Rosa, I wouldn't even have had the motivation to keep going with my author's career. She will be editing my next book real soon. God bless you and I love you. Thank you for everything.

Lawrence Gordon, author of What's The Word and producer of  Low Down Productions

I am the CEO of Family Assistance for Renaissance Men (FARM). One of the greatest assets my organiation could have found was hiring It's Worth Editing and Administrative Services for administrative support. They're flexibilty and accountability is exactly what my organization needed as continue to grow. I highly recommend their services.

Willie Bell, CEO  of  Family Assistance for Renaissance Men

If you are looking for total professionalism, excellence, and expedient services...It's Worth Editing is what you need. I have used the services of editing, transcribing, and virtual assistance and I have always felt the results exceeded my expectations. This is my go to constantly!!!

Sabrina Jackson, CEO of Sabrina Jackson Enterprises, Author of He Is Not A Statistic and Host of the nightly radio show "Sizzling Talk" 

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