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YES! You have come to the correct site for all of your book editing and administrative services requirements.  Just call at 248.509.4141 or email me at



I cater to each writer's desire for what he or she has written.  


I read, polish and prepare your manuscript, poem, short story, and other literary work that you are passionate about.  I get it ready for the publisher of your choice to take over.  My services bring you closer to your dream of having your great work in print and in eBook format.  


You're brilliant, educated, knowledgeable and everything  in between.  You've researched and have the right content in your written work. Now it needs that 2nd pair of eyes to make sure it's clear, concise, and coherent for your reading audience. That's where I come in. I'm your editor and I work alongside of you helping you to accomplish your goal.  


Don't go it alone. Editing, it just makes sense, and you can relax because, "it's Worth editing."  I'm here for you.



You're the reason I am in business. You're a great writer. I'm the reason you're on the way to get your work published - I'm a great editor - The right one for you.

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